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Credit card

Payment process via Credit Card

Payment via Credit card

Step 1: Add your credit card

  • Select button Credit Card
  • Click + Add credit card


Fill your card information and click "Add card"


  • This interface is show the your card is added. Now, you need to active it.
  • Click Active



In case you want to add the second card (you added funds successfully and all your left bar was active), select "Payments" >>> "Credit Card" and do the same as your previous one.


Step 2: Active your credit card

In Credit Card tab >> click Active


Click "Get Activation Code" and "Get code" to receive the code for verifying your card



A 4-digit OTP has been sent to you. Please check your:

  • SMS
  • Email banking
  • iBanking statement (app or web - please check "History Transaction")
  • Banking service statement (such as: Payoneer, PingPong, Wise, Amex...) to get the code and enter it in the box below, then click "Active"

The system will charge $0.5 from your credit card for the verification step, and this amount will be transfer to your Ecomdy balance.

Enter your code and click "Activate" => "Close"



Your credit card is Active now. You can top-up as usual

  • Enter the amount
  • Click Top up


a. How to get OTP

A 4-digits OTP has been sent to you. Please check your:

  • SMS
  • Email banking
  • iBanking statement (app or web - please check "History Transaction")
  • Banking service statement (Such as: Payoneer, PingPong, Wise, Amex...)


  • OTP send to SMS


  • OTP send to iBanking statement (App) Please check "History Transaction"


  • OTP send to iBanking statement (Web)


b. Do not receive OTP code

If Ecomdy platform has charged $0.50 from your credit card, you still have not received the OTP. Please prove you are the cardholder. Then we will resend OTP to you.

For virtual card

  • Please send us full screenshot clearly shows the following information:
        - Card service link
    - Cardholder name
    - Last 4 digits of card number
    - Expiration date
    - The current time on your computer
    Please cover your card number and show only the last four digits for safety reasons.


For physical card

  • Please send us a photo of you holding your credit card and a handwritten note Your card clearly show:
  1. Cardholder name
  2. Last 4 digits of card number
  3. Expiration date A handwritten note "Ecomdy Media - Your country current time - Date"

Please cover your card number and show only the last four digits for safety reasons.


c. Your Credit Card is declined

There are 3 common reasons why your card is declined (Stripe responses to support team)

  • Your card is insufficient funds --> Please check the balance and try again or change another card.
  • The bank returned the decline code do_not_honor, and did not provide any other information --> Please contact your card issuer or change another card.
  • If your card still declined, it's because the international payment gateway Stripe declined your card. Ecomdy Media can't change or interfere with this case --> Please use another payment method: Payoneer/USDT/Paypal...

Step 3: Top up by Credit Card

After activating your card, enter the amount and "Top up"


After your left bar is unblock, you can check this guideline to add funds via Credit Card:

In tab Payment >> Choose Credit card method


  • Minimum top-up is $200 >> Top up


  • Top up successfully


Step 4: Remove your Credit Card

If you want to remove the credit card from our platform, kindly check the guideline as below.

During trials: Remove your credit card during trials means you will cancel your subscription and stop using Ecomdy platform.



After trials:

  • Click Cancel your current subscription. You can remove your card after canceling the plan.
